Chicago Office: 1-847-459-3874

"We have access to opportunities that are off the radar."

Because we use a targeted selection process we tend to reach out to candidates that either meet the specific needs of our clients or where client opportunities meet the specific needs of our candidates.

We’ve been assisting our candidates achieve professional success for decades.

We believe that our success comes from our years of getting to understand our candidates and what they are “really” looking for and then matching them against an opportunity that will serve their logical career progression needs.

The HR Project Group has access to opportunities that are either generally or exclusively off the radar.

Bottom line? When we call one of our top-tier candidates for an opportunity, they call us back quickly!

"We specialize in meeting YOUR SPECIFIC requirements."

We deliver unmatched experience and reach across a multitude of specialty areas and position functionalities.

We have access to the largest sales and sales management recruiter network in the United States and Europe which leverages us to deliver top-tier candidates for any open position fast.

We invite you to call us to learn more about our background and experience-you’ll be glad you did.


Just some of the specialty areas that we specialize recruiting within: • Accounting, Finance, Human Resources • Information Technology, Legal, Manufacturing • Sales, Sales Management and Marketing

Chicago Office: 1-847-459-3874